Between 1997 and 2018 the Antes Columbus Youth Football Club ACYFC, founded through a partnership between CCSCLA and Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches (LMC) is an effort to bring the community together and provide a positive extracurricular activity for youth. For ages 5–19, the ACYFC provides uniforms, equipment, and team organization with no cost to the players.
Additionally ACYFC served as entrepreneurial training programs for sports-related businesses and jobs including venue management, broadcast recording and editing, concessions management, referee training, league administration, and manufacturing retail of uniforms.
To further goals of ACYFC, CCSCLA developed two synthetic soccer fields for play in the Vernon Central community. In 2002 CCSCLA helped facilitate the Nike donation of a synthetic field to Ross Snyder Park and facilitated the collection of resources to develop a field at George Washington Carver Middle School.